Thursday, August 5, 2010

"Every Day Is So Glorious.."

A local historic movie theater offered some discounted movies this summer for some of their smallest viewers! When I heard that they were showing this movie....I decided this would be a great opportunity for Davis and I to go on a mommy/son date! I didn't really know how he would do in a full length movie (86 minutes to be exact) but he really did pretty good! When we got in the car for the outing Curious George (who we already owned) was buckled up in Davis' car seat ready to go! Davis thought that was so funny and kept saying "silly George! He's a monkey. He can't got to the movies!" I told him I thought they might make an exception since it was his movie after all!
Before the movie a reporter for our local newspaper came and took a few pictures of Davis and interviewed me. For some unknown reason we didn't make the cut and someone else was in the paper. We decided to cancel our subscription after that! Oh wait.... we never had subscription! But if we did have one, we would have! Big Mistake- I mean Big! :) Look what they missed!

Our dear friends Peaches and Gabriella met us at the movies! Gabriella was a little small for her seat :) What she lacks in size she makes up in cuteness (and color)!

All in all Davis did well! He got slightly antsy with about 30 minutes remaining but with a quick trip to the bathroom and a good snack we were able to get through the remainder of the movie! It was a very cute movie with GREAT animation. Such a learning experience for someone who grew up watching Curious George! For instance did you know the Man in the Yellow Hat's name is Ted? It also showed how he got his yellow clothing! I must say I sleep better at night now that these questions have been answered :)
Davis' favorite part of the movie was when Curious George accidentally swallowed some fireflies and thus his tongue turned into a glow stick! Mighty funny to his 2 year old self (okay almost 3 but lets not rush things)!
I would call Davis' first movie viewing a success! Thanks Curious George- the day was oh, so glorious!

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