Friday, May 21, 2010

A sign from Granddaddy...

The other night the four of us were at Target (our second home) and we were getting in our car when Davis said, “There’s a line in the sky”!

I looked up and sure enough in the dusk of the evening an airplane had left a perfectly straight smoke line in the sky. I said, “Yep, an airplane did that!”

Davis said matter-of-factly, “Granddaddy is on an airplane to Texas”. Which was partially true, he had left earlier that day to fly and see our family in Texas.

Then with his eyes wide open, he exclaimed “Granddaddy drew a line in the sky just for ME!” Matt and I couldn’t help but agree that Granddaddy did indeed do that just for him!

Does he have that child wrapped around his finger or what?

I'm confident the feeling is mutual!

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