Once again, I didn't get many pictures but I did manage to get a few of the "Dirty Santa" game that the adults play! No, there isn't really anything dirty about this family game other than you can steal people presents! And these aren't bad presents either, they are really good ones! However, along with the good gift people are starting to get more creative in presentation- including our household!
Years ago one of the janitors at my Dad's former company made a wooden figure of him and gave it as a gift! This has been the source of laughter for the past decade or so in my immediate family! A few years ago my dad just dropped it off at our house as a "gift" to Matt! This year we decided to share the love and put the gift certificate we bought in the "flat" Raymond's hands! Boy was my uncle surprised when he opened the gift he picked! Any wouldn't you know- it was stolen several times and just might have been the most popular gift of the night! I hope we get to see him in years to come!
One of my favorite things about my dad is his wonderful sense of humor and he was able to chuckle as people swapped him around! There are a million other wonderful things about my dad but that is a different post for a different day (and I'm sure words can never do him justice)! As I've mentioned in other post- Davis adores my dad (almost as much as I do) so the wooden Granddaddy was quite intriguing!