Sunday, April 4, 2010

Easter Eggs....

Happy Easter Everyone! I've not been great about updating my blog and when that happens I always get slightly overwhelmed and wonder where to start? So I'm just going to jump right into it & try to catch up over the next several post! After school one day we decided to dye some Easter eggs & Gigi came over to help because Mommy had a meeting for work (yes, I've started working part-time from home for my former employer- different post for a different day)!

So here we are gently putting the eggs into the dye... well most of them went in gently! Drinking some water from a "big boy" cup....
Noah was bouncing on his pony....

Gigi was snuggling with Noah when not it said bouncer...
We let them dry and then put the stickers on (Davis is a HUGE sticker fan)!

Picking up his favorite ones & trying to imitate their faces! Turns out they are all his favorites because we pretty much did this with every. single. one.
He is all about loving his brother these days! Very affectionate towards the little guy!
And he can pretty much make Noah smile like nobody else can!
Noah is thinking he knows exactly what he's gonna do next year once he can join in the fun!
And I believe this is where Davis is asking/ telling Noah which one should be his favorite! But really the thing to observe in this picture is the length of the drool! That is life for us these days! No sign of any teeth yet but it should be any day (though I've been saying that for quite some time now)!
We had fun! By the time we were finished several (ok- almost all) of the eggs had boo-boos & cracks! But as Davis said "We all have cracks"! Yes, folks he is indeed a funny boy!

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